Oh I have site!!!!
Published on October 30, 2012 By Nyxmorph In Start8


Something funny going on with my pinned items order. (I have 'enough room' for 10 large icons btw). v1.00.

If I drag and drop something to the top of the list, sometimes a completely different item is put at the top. Sometimes when I manage to get them all in the right order after a reboot its back to some sort of default order before I re-arranged them all.

Thanks for the great Start menu,

on Oct 30, 2012

How many items are in the list?  If more than 10 there is a sorting issue that has been resolved internally and should be released soon.

on Oct 30, 2012

How many items are in the list?


I will try the next update anyway once its released, see how it goes